Conferencia de Ben Bernanke México


Organizada por Vector Casa de bolsa en la cd de México.
Topics de la conferencia
Crisis Financiera ’29 vs ’08, difficult to predict, bubbles in housing, runs now not of savers (they insured) but run from investors
Quiebra de Lehman, herramientas a la disposicion de la Fed no eran aplicables para evitarlo.
Housing crisis
Rating agencies, instrumentos estructurados dificiles de evaluar, incrementaron la dependencia en las agencias,  ahora hay mas regulacion y transparencia.
Financial regulatory reforms, a work in progress. I.e. repo market, mortgages tighting lending practices
Independence of Fed from executive and legislative
Limits in size of financial institutions, other aspects to considers as systemic importance, put in place rules as capitalization relative to size, let size to market forces
Current policy will help prevent future crisis? difficult to predict shocks, but may help the system to reduce frequency and magnitude, better foundations
What hav you made differently? Not take the job in the first place (joke). Better communication of why, what, to benefit who
Why US growth taking so long

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